Sometimes D. gets frustrated simply because it isn't easy to NOT be in charge! Sometimes it just happens out of the blue. He cops an attitude because things aren't going just the way he wants them. That's when a spanking really helps. I think some of the reasons it helps include:
- Spanking releases endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals in the brain. During and after a spanking, these chemicals are released to make the spankee feel total relaxation. The relaxation and openness allow both partners to feel totally loved and loving.
- Spanking can be sexually exciting. The dominant partner enjoys giving the spanking, and the submissive partner relaizes the importance of receiving the spanking - especially after the discipline is over. It's hard to be stressed when you're excited!
- Spanking restores us to our rightful place. When D. earns a spanking, I know that he will respect me more after I discipline him. If I neglect to correct his disrespect, his attitude and behavior will worsen over time until he eventually damages the relationship. We are more respectful and open with each other right after a firm spanking session.
- Spanking provides some powerful attention. If D. Is feeling neglected, misunderstood, or frustrated as part of the bad behavior, then a good spanking is very healing. We've also goten into the habit of cuddling and carrying on some fairly deep discussions after the spanking.
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