
The Disciplinarian Blog was created as a spanking journal. It is about adjusting the attitudes and behaviors of my Significant Other through firm consequences. If this topic offends you in any way, do not read any further. All Domestic Discipline occurs with a written contract between my SO and myself.

Location: United States

Friday, January 20, 2006

Disciplinary Log

Before I confront D. about his attitude or behavior, I review his offenses in the Disciplinary Log so that I can scold him specifically for each infraction of the rules. Some relationships do not use the Disciplinary Log, but I make sure to write down individual offenses, transgressions, and omissions that will be covered by the spanking - otherwise I might leave something important out of the discussion.

Also, the Log provides an indisputable history of D.'s offenses. If I find that he is misbehaving in one particular area quite frequently (as he does with his sarcasm), I will use the history as proof that he needs a well-deserved Reminder Spanking. The Log also offers the opportunity to look back and see how D.'s attitudes and behaviors have changed over the course of several months. There is no doubt that our relationship has grown as a result of Domestic Discipline!


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