The following guidelines should be used to direct the disciplinary relationship between the person adminstering the discipline and the person receiving the discipline. I have collected these suggestions from sources such as the
Spencer Plan (Dorothy Spencer) and other Domestic Discipline sites.
- Generally, an effective spanking should produce tears or some other type of emotional release.
- The spanking should never be administered in anger. Both parties should be calm and rational so discipline can be administered properly.
- One of the parties should keep a record of all offenses, transgressions and omissions in some type of a Disciplinary Log.
- The person receiving the spanking shall, either by review of the Log just prior to a session or by verbal communication (such as lecturing or scolding) during the session, know the reasons for the punishment.
- The discipline sessions should be scheduled at regular frequency. At each session, the punishment should be administered for any and all offenses committed since the last session.
Please feel free to comment on any of these guidelines. I will post more suggestions later.
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