
The Disciplinarian Blog was created as a spanking journal. It is about adjusting the attitudes and behaviors of my Significant Other through firm consequences. If this topic offends you in any way, do not read any further. All Domestic Discipline occurs with a written contract between my SO and myself.

Location: United States

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Healthy Relationships - Trust

As we pressed into the Domestic Discipline lifestyle, we had to determine where our relationship stood in several different areas. There are other websites that explain these as the Seven Key Elements of a Domestic Discipline Relationship, but they are really the key elements in ANY relationship. It should go without saying that these factors do not need to be perfect - all of us have work to do. But you should not underestimate how challenging this may be. If you feel you have parts of your relationship that are unhealthy, you may want to use your answers to set some realistic objectives. Rate each of the factors below on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being VERY POOR and 10 being EXCELLENT. Once you have finished these exercises, you should discuss the objectives with your partner. Please endeavor to be brutally honest.

    Trust is defined as assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone. To rebuild trust, you or your partner will have to be extremely conscious of keeping your commitments and agreements.


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