
The Disciplinarian Blog was created as a spanking journal. It is about adjusting the attitudes and behaviors of my Significant Other through firm consequences. If this topic offends you in any way, do not read any further. All Domestic Discipline occurs with a written contract between my SO and myself.

Location: United States

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Benefit: Respect

Another primary benefit of Domestic Discipline is respect. If I allow D. to trample over my feelings, both of us lose respect for each other. Spanking can produce greater respect because I demonstrate my willingness to enforce boundaries. No relationship survives without boundaries.

If the basic respect exists between the two of you, then you can remind him to show respect when his attitude or behavior crosses a boundary. He needs to know there are consequences to his attitudes and behaviors. If you cannot enforce boundaries, you cannot expect him to honor and respect your boundaries.

Sometimes he may get sarcastic or take an attitude that damages the relationship. It is in these times that I am the toughest on D. so he will not slip back into his old communication patterns. A spanking is a clear reminder of where I do not want to relationship to go.


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