
The Disciplinarian Blog was created as a spanking journal. It is about adjusting the attitudes and behaviors of my Significant Other through firm consequences. If this topic offends you in any way, do not read any further. All Domestic Discipline occurs with a written contract between my SO and myself.

Location: United States

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Discipline Spankings

I've come to believe that Discipline spankings are unique in that they are intended to encourage D. to the point of change. When I give him a Discipline spanking, I must balance my firmness with some amout of sensitivity. I need to be aware of his limits, and be able to take him just to the edge. A good Discipline spanking must be painful enough so that D. does not desire to receive another like it for quite a while.

A good Discipline spanking can have several beneficial effects on the relationship:

Anxiety to Calmness. This is probably the most common of the Discipline spanking that I give to D. during the week. I have to give him credit because D. will sometimes initiate the spanking by saying something like "I'm really stressed over things. . .and I need a really good, hard spanking." One of the most memorable spankings I gave to D. occurred right after he made this request. He followed me down the hallway to the bedroom, where I proceeded to spank him for 45 minutes (that was about the amount of time it took for him to feel better). He thanked me profusely for giving him exactly what he needed.

Idleness to Diligence. This is another common Discipline spanking that D. earns during the week. Sometimes he just can't get motivated. The medical community usually prescribes an increased amount of physical exercise for this condition - and I think there's very little exercise better than a regular spanking. LOL After a firm motivational conversation with the paddle, my man's energy level usually improves almost immediately. I've learned not to skimp on the firmness of the spanking, otherwise D. tends to fall back into his lazy ways much quicker.


Blogger Ron k said...

I really like the idea of request spankings, Do you always honor the request ? I wonder how often this happens in my home I don't always get it , and I do resent it, but to be honest I always seem to need a spanking. I guess it's the spanking gene raising it's pretty head.

Ron K

9:40 AM  

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