
The Disciplinarian Blog was created as a spanking journal. It is about adjusting the attitudes and behaviors of my Significant Other through firm consequences. If this topic offends you in any way, do not read any further. All Domestic Discipline occurs with a written contract between my SO and myself.

Location: United States

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Punishment Spankings

Punishment spankings are given at our house for disrespect, dishonesty, and disobedience. It's not like I order D. around day and night -- but we've agreed that when I ask him to do something and he doesn't do it, he earns a Punishment spanking for disobedience. He wants me to be able to count on him. When D. violates one of our established boundaries, he receives a firm Punishment spanking. We have agreed to several rules and consequences in our house, and D. knows the severity of the punishment when he violates a rule.

A good Punishment spanking addresses:

Aggravation. I've given many spankings from being aggravated. I most often let some minor annoyance pass with a serious conversation, but my aggravation is usually caued by some disrespect. One of the first Aggravation spankings I gave was for D.'s tardiness and making me miss an important appointment. He knew about my meeting, but was 45 minutes late anyway. I took him into the bedroom, where I had him pull his jeans down to his ankles and bend over the bed. I gave him 10 warm up swats on his underwear before pulling them down for 35 more swats on his bare behind. Just to make sure I got the point across, I added 10 more swats with the leather paddle.

Disobedience. I have one memorable experience giving D. a spanking for disobedience. I asked him not to go to a particular club in our hometown -- but while I was out one afternoon, he went to the club anyway. When I returned home and discovered that he had disobeyed my request, I led him from the kitchen to the bedroom and sat him on the bed. After several minutes, he admitted to attending the club. All this stalling was making me furious! I told him to turn over on the bed (he fought me a little on this, but finally relented). I lectured him about the rules and trust/honesty as I spanked him on his jeans. I made him stand up and take off his jeans, then gave him 30-40 more swats. At that point in our relationship, I didn't own a paddle yet -- so I just kept spanking him until he started to squirm. I probably gave him around 80 swats, the last 20 or so on his bare behind.

I do own a few paddles now, so D. is not quite so quick to ignore my requests. It did take a few intense sessions in the bedroom to rid him of this behavior.


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