
The Disciplinarian Blog was created as a spanking journal. It is about adjusting the attitudes and behaviors of my Significant Other through firm consequences. If this topic offends you in any way, do not read any further. All Domestic Discipline occurs with a written contract between my SO and myself.

Location: United States

Friday, October 14, 2005

Spanking and Boundaries

When D. agreed to begin a Domestic Discipline relationship with me, he told me he wanted to be held responsible for his behavior. To help hold him accountable, we use a set of rules in our relationship. These rules (which don't have to be numerous) set limits to my husband's behavior. They define what behavior is acceptable and what is unacceptable.
  1. Boundaries encourage a sense of relief. Domestic Discipline is a positive and loving way for a woman to say to her man: "You cannot behave that way!" Spanking is a great alternative to retreating into silence, having an affair, or spending time avoiding your partner. By spanking D., I am acting positively and lovingly to correct his behavior.
  2. Boundaries promote respect within the relationship. Domestic Discipline provides an ideal structure for creating and enforcing limits to a man's behavior. These limits help him to become a better person. It is a sign of his personal maturity if he should want more limits to his behavior - because it is a sign that he wants to grow as a person.
  3. Boundaries are effective only if they are enforced. I realize that I must enforce these boundaries in order for D. to take them seriously. He tested me early in the relationship, but I did not give in. When he crosses a boundary, I discipline him with a punishment spanking. If I tell him "You cannot behave that way!" then allow him to misbehave, the relationship will suffer greatly.
  4. Boundaries may be imposed or negotiated. There are some boundaries that are absolutely unacceptable for D. to violate (such as an affair with another woman). I have imposed these non-negotiable boundaries on D., and we have negotiated additional boundaries after discussion about goals and progress.
We not only discussed individual boundaries, but we also designed consequences of overstepping boundaries. Ultimately, boundaries do not restrict partners in a Domestic Discipline relationship - they prevent both participants from wasting time with negative words, action, and activities.


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