
The Disciplinarian Blog was created as a spanking journal. It is about adjusting the attitudes and behaviors of my Significant Other through firm consequences. If this topic offends you in any way, do not read any further. All Domestic Discipline occurs with a written contract between my SO and myself.

Location: United States

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Spanking and Gratitude

One of the most important aspects of Domestic Discipline is the expression of gratitude. Both D. and I express our appreciation for each other regularly, but D. also thanks me after a spanking for disciplining him. Why should he be grateful for being spanked?
  1. He thanks me because I've done something for him. He is the primary beneficiary of the spanking, meaning that he is the main person to benefit from the spanking. He will learn better behavior and become a better person as a result of it.
  2. He thanks me because he practices respect. It may be that his disrespect is the original cause of his spanking, so it is all the more reason why he should behave politely towards me after the spanking.
  3. He thanks me because he has learned his lesson. He was disciplined for a reason - because his behavior has been unacceptable. The spanking is designed to help him modify that behavior. If he just walks away after the discipline, it seems to imply that he still has an attitude of resentment about the whole thing.
  4. He thanks me because being a disciplinarian is not easy. It is not an easy task to punish the man I love. It is not an easy task to bring him to the point of emotional release. It is not an easy task to scold him for his misbehavior. Most women would rather be doing something else, but this works for us (the effort is worth it!!).
  5. He thanks me because I have enforced the rules. Many men complain that their partners are inconsistent in enforcing the rules with them. Indeed, I hear this as a common complaint! One way to reduce this lack of consistency is for the man to properly thank you after you have disciplined him. You need to know that he is grateful for your efforts.
If a man does not thank you for giving him the spanking that he needs, he should be spanked again. The rule in our house is: No thanking means more spanking. If the spanking had worked as intended, he would be able to thank you. I made sure that D. learned this lesson the very first time he "forgot" to thank me. I truly believe this is a respect issue that should be addressed from the very beginning of the DD relationship. An inability to be grateful for a punishment spanking is usually due to the man having a lack of sorrow or genuine repentance.


Blogger dwcmike said...

This is really an excellent explanation. I connect greatly with "being the disciplinarian is not easy", actually it is the hardest part for the woman who loves her man, and doesn't want to hurt him.
Being able to give a spanking when it is needed is difficult for many women to accomplish.

10:28 AM  

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