
The Disciplinarian Blog was created as a spanking journal. It is about adjusting the attitudes and behaviors of my Significant Other through firm consequences. If this topic offends you in any way, do not read any further. All Domestic Discipline occurs with a written contract between my SO and myself.

Location: United States

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Choosing the Implements

I believe that a spanking should start with a hand warm-up. It is much easier to control the intensity of hand smacks, and they can be more forceful or less forceful as the situation requires. When I administer a punishment spanking to D., I like to give him at least 15-20 very firm warm-up swats with my hand.

Another smart implement is a small leather paddle. This is one of my favorite things to use because it is compact (I often carry it in my purse for those impromtu situations), makes a loud noise on impact, and creates a very pink glow in his bottom (and sometimes on the backs of his thighs. It is a bendable leather "slapper" - and it is very effective in creating the right mood in a spanking. I apply typically as many swats as it takes to get D.'s attention.

Note: The one time we were at a hotel and I'd left the small leather paddle at home, I used a bedroom slipper on his bare bottom. I took some extra time to make sure I had his attention that night. There are a few things that can be picked up at a moment's notice to administer a sound spanking - and a bedroom slipper is a great substitute.

Another implement is a large leather paddle. This type of paddle is great for giving firm punishment spankings - especially when I want to cover his entire bottom with very little effort. The larger paddle is long enough to smack both cheeks at the same time and is usually very light and easy to manipulate for the desired effect. When I use the larger paddle, I usually give him 10 swats - and make him count each one!

There are a couple other implements that I use frequently during a discipline session. My absolute faborite implement is the strap - and that's because it gets D.'s attention immediately. A strap is a long leather piece with a handle on one end. It's not long enough to be a belt. The strap will get D. whimpering and squirming faster than anything else in the collection, but I do try to not overdo the swats with the strap.

The belt is different from the strap because it is longer and must be folded in two to be manageable. I apply the strap when tears are required. I use the belt to vary the rhythm and strength of the swats during the punishment. I always apply at least 10-15 swats with the belt, when necessary.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Scolding for Misbehavior

Previous sections of this blog talk about the importance of Scolding in the DD relationship, but I cannot overemphasize the fact that scolding allows D. to feel my frustration in ways that the actual spanking cannot. It also helps him to respect me more. I committed early in our DD relationship to use scolding to gain D.'s respect. During each discipline session, I unleash a good dose of lecture and scolding.

Scolding is verbal chastisement sternly delivered in a somewhat angry tone. When I am about to spank D., I take verbal control of the situation and remain in control throughout the disciplinary session. I always speak to him in a firm, strong voice so that he knows feull-well that I mean business. Once he is in position and the actual spanking has started, I see no reason to stop lecturing and scolding. I try to maintain verbal correction throughout the entire spanking.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Disciplinary Log

Before I confront D. about his attitude or behavior, I review his offenses in the Disciplinary Log so that I can scold him specifically for each infraction of the rules. Some relationships do not use the Disciplinary Log, but I make sure to write down individual offenses, transgressions, and omissions that will be covered by the spanking - otherwise I might leave something important out of the discussion.

Also, the Log provides an indisputable history of D.'s offenses. If I find that he is misbehaving in one particular area quite frequently (as he does with his sarcasm), I will use the history as proof that he needs a well-deserved Reminder Spanking. The Log also offers the opportunity to look back and see how D.'s attitudes and behaviors have changed over the course of several months. There is no doubt that our relationship has grown as a result of Domestic Discipline!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Guidelines - Part 4

The following guidelines should be used to direct the disciplinary relationship between the person adminstering the discipline and the person receiving the discipline. I have collected these suggestions from sources such as the Spencer Plan (Dorothy Spencer) and other Domestic Discipline sites.
  1. If discipline is requested, it must be given. This is one of the most valuable features of any Domestic Discipline plan. The person receiving the spanking should be able to ask for a spanking when one is needed.
  2. The spanking can be administered using various implements. This is especially important when the female in the relationship is administering the spanking. Use of an implement allows her to concentrate on the effectiveness of the punishment.
  3. The person receiving the spanking should not have to be restrained; if that person is unable to remain in position while being punished, the person giving the spanking should use whatever means appropriate to restrain the partner.
  4. All spankings should be administered on the bare bottom. This allows for constant inspection of the skin and increased effectiveness. Spanking on a clothed bottom can lead to too severe a spanking or one that is not severe enough.
  5. When the spanking is concluded, the person giving the spanking can choose to comfort the one receiving. Gratitude is expected at some point after the spanking has concluded. Where there is no expression of gratitude, there shall be additional punishment.
Please feel free to comment on any of the suggestions above. This is by no means a definitive list of guidelines, but it does provide a great starting point for any Domestic Discipline relationship.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Guidelines - Part 3

The following guidelines should be used to direct the disciplinary relationship between the person adminstering the discipline and the person receiving the discipline. I have collected these suggestions from sources such as the Spencer Plan (Dorothy Spencer) and other Domestic Discipline sites.
  1. Some offenses may require immediate discipline. In these instances, the punishment may be administered at a designated time and place.
  2. If there are multiple punishments to be administered during a single session, the person being spanked may be rquired to stand in the corner between punishments. The corner time should be used constructively to contemplate the offense.
  3. The person receiving the spanking should comply immediately with the instructions for location and position. Non-compliance should result in additional punishment.
  4. Scolding and lecturing should be used during the spanking session in order to reinforce the punishment being administered.
  5. After the discipline is over, the incident is over. To continue to hold a grudge against a partner for a specific offense severely hinders the work of the Domestic Discipline relationship.
Please feel free to comment on any of these suggestions. I will post more later. . .

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Guidelines - Part 2

The following guidelines should be used to direct the disciplinary relationship between the person adminstering the discipline and the person receiving the discipline. I have collected these suggestions from sources such as the Spencer Plan (Dorothy Spencer) and other Domestic Discipline sites.
  1. Generally, an effective spanking should produce tears or some other type of emotional release.
  2. The spanking should never be administered in anger. Both parties should be calm and rational so discipline can be administered properly.
  3. One of the parties should keep a record of all offenses, transgressions and omissions in some type of a Disciplinary Log.
  4. The person receiving the spanking shall, either by review of the Log just prior to a session or by verbal communication (such as lecturing or scolding) during the session, know the reasons for the punishment.
  5. The discipline sessions should be scheduled at regular frequency. At each session, the punishment should be administered for any and all offenses committed since the last session.
Please feel free to comment on any of these guidelines. I will post more suggestions later.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Guidelines - Part 1

The following guidelines should be used to direct the disciplinary relationship between the person administering the discipline and the person receiving the discipline. I have collected these suggestions from sources such as the Spencer Plan (Dorothy Spencer) and other Domestic Discipline sites.
  1. Any changes to the guidelines should be discussed by both parties. There are no secret rules in the open household, and the purpose of the guidelines is to create an environment for effective corporal punishment.
  2. Punishment must be administered lovingly and with the utmost care to avoid any serious injury; however, the punishment should also be effective and meaningful.
  3. Discipline must be accepted as a caring act. Willing submissoin to the discipline is a must, and the one in need of discipline must be loyal, obedient and cooperative before, during and after the punishment.
  4. A spanking may be administered (1) when an established rule is broken, (2) when an attitude needs adjustment, (3) when the spanking is requested, and (4) when a reminder spanking is necessary.
  5. Effective punishment is defined as a spanking on the bare bottom that continues long enough and is severe enough to teach a useful lesson, improve an attitude, increase domestic harmony, create an unselfish spirit, and/or eliminate an unpleasant situation.
Please feel free to comment on these various guidelines. I will list more suggestions later. . .